Rosalinde Sue Emery Hamlin

Profile Updated: July 7, 2010
Rosalinde Sue Emery
Residing In: Madera, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Terrell Hamlin
Children: Robert, born 1975, Jason, born 1978, foster daughter, Krystal, born 1980.
Yes! Attending Reunion

I moved to Fl. in my middle junior year and attended Robinson High in Tampa for 1/2 of that year. My dad was accepted into law school after retiring from the military. We bought a home in St. Pete. where he died. I married a man from Robinson High and my mom, my husband and I moved to Ca. I stayed with him 10 years and had 2 children with him. I then married an air traffic controller, worked as a bookkeeper and finished raising my kids. After 10 years of marriage I divorced, quit my job, fostered a teen,started working for Costco for 10 years and married again. I am now on my 10th year of marriage, with 9 grandkkids, natural, adopted and foster and I am disabled from back surgery from a fall at work. My future hopes are to become a sponsor for alateens and be the best role model grandparent I can be for my grandkids.

School Story:

My favorite thing to do at Northeast High was to get blind dates from the guys at Robinson High with the girls at Northeast High. Sorry girls, I have since then minded my own business on match making!

Did you Attend Any other High Schools? If So where and what years?

I attended eight schools from the time I was in 7th grade until 12th. I was shy, so this was very hard for me to always start over with new friends. I don't know if people knew how shy I was inside and that I always felt like I was intruding when I would try to enter a new group.

What Junior High School(s) Did you Attend?

To many to mention.

What Elementary School(s) Did you Attend?

California and N.C.

Where did you go to Kindergarten?


Do you have any Post-Seconday Education (college, Trade School, Other)?

I attended St. Pete. J.C., Hartnell J.C. in Salinas, Ca.. and a J.C. in Suisun, Ca. as well as an Adult school of business in Suisun, Ca.

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