I moved to Fl. in my middle junior year and attended Robinson High in Tampa for 1/2 of that year. My dad was accepted into law school after retiring from the military. We bought a home in St. Pete. where he died. I married a man from Robinson High and my mom, my husband and I moved to Ca. I stayed with him 10 years and had 2 children with him. I then married an air traffic controller, worked as a bookkeeper and finished raising my kids. After 10 years of marriage I divorced, quit my job, fostered a teen,started working for Costco for 10 years and married again. I am now on my 10th year of marriage, with 9 grandkkids, natural, adopted and foster and I am disabled from back surgery from a fall at work. My future hopes are to become a sponsor for alateens and be the best role model grandparent I can be for my grandkids.